Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Virginia-D.C.-Maryland-Deleware-New Jersey-Connecticut-Rhode Island

We sincerely apologize for not posting the past several days as they have been very, very busy.

We drove through a little bit of weather in West Virginia before making it to Milicent's in Cumberland, Maryland, a yarn shop Halley has been dying to go to for over a year now. Yes, it was all she expected and more.

Onward into Virginia where we met with Amina and Andrew to catch up on life before heading into the District for dinner with our wonderful host for two days, Lori, at Mama Ayesha's. Yum. Lori lives in Virginia so out we went for a wonderful night's sleep.

The next morning we drove into D.C. again and went our separate ways for the day, our longest break from each other since the start of the trip. Halley spent time catching up with many of her former co-workers at AU and got a lovely haircut while Sarah went in search of playing cards and caught up with Laura.

After a late departure from AU, we finally got to see Jenna, our fantastic cat sitter, for dinner! Unfortunately, we could not catch up for very long as we had a show at the Kennedy Center we were going to (Thanks Grandma!). We saw Cirque Dreams Holidaze, which was like a variety show/circus performance with everyone dressed as ornaments. It was pretty awesome. We then made our way back to Lori's (Thanks again Lori!) where we tried very hard to make it through Sex and the City 2 but were unsuccessful.

The next morning saw us in traffic that is the worst we've seen on the trip. Forty-eight states and the worst traffic was still the D.C. metro area. Granted we did not stop in a lot of cities, but still. We had one of the best breakfasts ever before hanging out in several aisles of Barnes and Noble with Jason.

Back on the road, we only made a few stops for decks of cards before arriving at Sarah's Aunt Deborah's house. Deborah was generous enough to let us break up the last leg of our trip with a stay with her. We had a wonderful dinner and some fantastic ice cream at the Bent Spoon before a short tour of Princeton's campus-so beautiful! Thanks again Deborah!

After another delicious meal in the morning, we made our way to Connecticut where we made a very brief stop at Sarah's grandparents' house before driving to our forty-eighth state: Rhode Island. The plan had been to grab dinner in this state, some place nice, but there were torrential rains so we just stopped for gas and booked it to Groton, Massachusetts.

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