Monday, October 25, 2010

Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin

As told by Julie E., this is the cheesiest place on Earth. Heck yes it is and here are a just a few pictures to prove it:

That would be the White House upside-down.
After purchasing tickets for a tour of the Upper Dells, we had a private game of mini golf at the World's Largest Pirate's Cove Miniature Golf Course. We did the hardest course. Scores will not be posted. Sarah won.

I swear I didn't know I was taking more that 5 putts...I swear.

Miss I-Never-Take-More-Than-Four-Putts.

Halley got a hole-in-one. She was pretty excited.

Sarah had a thing for this pirate.
We finished up our time in Wisconsin with a tour of the Upper Dells, which were so beautiful. These are only a few of the pictures, as we're sure you can imagine if you have known Halley for longer than 10 minutes.

This is the second most photographed rock in the Dells.

Do you see the face?

It was a tad cold on the boat.

The flood a few weeks ago caused the water to rise almost to the top of this rock.

The rock to the left is the most photographed rock in the Dells. We saw a dog jump across these two rocks. The gentleman who made the Dells popular made a piece in cameras that allows you to take multiple photos at a time, instead of having to wait several minutes for each photo to be taken. He proved this by photographing his son jump across these two rocks. Just like the dog.


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